data protection

Data protection

We are very pleased about your interest in our company. Data protection has a particularly high priority for the management of It is generally possible to use the website without providing any personal data. If a data subject wishes to use our company’s special services via our website, However, processing of personal data may become necessary. Is the processing of personal data necessary and there is no legal basis for such processing, We generally obtain the consent of the person concerned.

The processing of personal data, for example the name, the address, Email address or telephone number of a data subject, always takes place in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation and in accordance with the country-specific data protection regulations applicable to By means of this data protection declaration, our company would like to inform the public about Art, Scope and purpose of the information we collect, information about the personal data used and processed. Furthermore, data subjects are informed about the rights to which they are entitled using this data protection declaration.

As the controller, has implemented numerous technical and organizational measures, in order to ensure the most complete protection possible for personal data processed via this website. However, Internet-based data transmissions can fundamentally have security gaps, so absolute protection cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, every affected person is free to do so, personal data also in alternative ways, for example by telephone, to transmit to us.

1. Definitions

The data protection declaration of is based on the terminology, which are regulated by the European directives- and regulators when issuing the General Data Protection Regulation (DS-GVO) were used. Our data protection declaration should be easy to read and understand for the public as well as for our customers and business partners. To ensure this, We would like to explain the terms used in advance.

We use the following terms, among others, in this data protection declaration:

2. Name and address of the person responsible for processing

Responsible person within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation, other data protection laws applicable in the member states of the European Union and other provisions of a data protection nature is the:

Avenue of Cosmonauts 32

12681 Berlin


Tel.: +49 30 48 48 21 21



3. Collection of general data and information

The website collects a series of general data and information every time the website is accessed by a data subject or an automated system. This general data and information is stored in the server's log files. They can be recorded (1) Browser types and versions used, (2) the operating system used by the accessing system, (3) the website, from which an accessing system accesses our website (so-called referrers), (4) the sub-websites, which are controlled via an accessing system on our website, (5) the date and time of access to the website, (6) an Internet Protocol address (IP Address), (7) the Internet service provider of the accessing system and (8) other similar data and information, which serve to avert danger in the event of attacks on our information technology systems.

When using this general data and information, does not draw any conclusions about the data subject. Rather, this information is needed, one (1) to deliver the content of our website correctly, (2) to optimize the content of our website and the advertising for it, (3) to ensure the long-term functionality of our information technology systems and the technology of our website and (4) to provide law enforcement authorities with the information necessary for criminal prosecution in the event of a cyber attack. This anonymously collected data and information is therefore evaluated by both statistically and with the goal in mind, to increase data protection and data security in our company, to ultimately ensure an optimal level of protection for the personal data we process. The anonymous data in the server log files is stored separately from all personal data provided by a data subject.

4. Routine deletion and blocking of personal data

The data controller processes and stores personal data of the data subject only for the period, which is necessary to achieve the storage purpose or if this is required by the European directives- and regulator or other legislator in laws or regulations, to which the controller is subject, was provided.

If the storage purpose no longer applies or if one of the European directives applies- and the storage period prescribed by the legislator or another responsible legislator, The personal data is blocked or deleted routinely and in accordance with legal regulations.

5. Rights of the data subject

6. Data protection regulations on the application and use of AddThis

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of the company AddThis on this website. AddThis is a so-called bookmarking provider. The service enables simplified bookmarking of websites using buttons. By hovering over the AddThis component with the mouse or by clicking on it, a list with bookmarking is displayed- and sharing services are displayed. AddThis is on over 15 Millions of websites in use, and the buttons are provided according to the information provided by the operating company 20 Viewed billions of times a year.

AddThis is operated by Oracle Corporation, 10 Van de Graaff Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and into which an AddThis component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective AddThis component, Download data from the website As part of this technical procedure, AddThis obtains knowledge of the visit and which specific individual page of this website is used by the information technology system used by the data subject. Furthermore, AddThis receives knowledge of the information provided by the Internet service provider (ISP) assigned IP address of the computer system used by the data subject, the browser type, the browser language, the website accessed before our website, the date and time of your visit to our website. AddThis uses this data, to create anonymized user profiles. The data and information transferred to AddThis in this way enables the company AddThis itself as well as the companies affiliated with AddThis or its partner companies, Target visitors to the controller's website with personalized and interest-based advertising.

AddThis displays personalized and interest-based advertising based on a cookie set by the company. This cookie analyzes the individual surfing behavior of the computer system used by the data subject. The cookie stores the visits to Internet pages made by the computer system.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that AddThis sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by AddThis can be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, to permanently object to the processing of personal data by AddThis. To do this, the person concerned must use the opt-out button under the link http://Press, which sets an opt-out cookie. The opt-out cookie set with the objection, is stored on the information technology system used by the data subject. The cookies on the data subject's system are deleted after an objection, the data subject must access the link again and set a new opt-out cookie.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

AddThis’s applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

7. Data protection regulations on the application and use of affilinet

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of the company affilinet on this website. Affilinet is a German affiliate network, which offers affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing is an internet-based form of sales, which allows commercial operators of websites, the so-called merchants or advertisers, enabled, Advertising, mostly via click- or sales commissions are paid, on third-party websites, i.e. with sales partners, which are also called affiliates or publishers, to display. The merchant provides advertising material via the affiliate network, i.e. an advertising banner or other suitable means of internet advertising, available, which are subsequently integrated by an affiliate on their own website or via other channels, such as keyword advertising or email marketing, be advertised.

Affilinet's operating company is affilinet GmbH, Sapporobogen 6-8, 80637 München, Germany.

Affilinet sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Affilinet's tracking cookie does not store any personal data. Only the affiliate’s identification number is saved, i.e. the partner who mediates the potential customer, as well as the serial number of the visitor to a website and the advertising medium clicked on. The purpose of storing this data is to process commission payments between a merchant and the affiliate, which via the affiliate network, also Affilinet, be processed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Affilinet sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Affilinet can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

Affilinet's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

8. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Facebook

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of the company Facebook on this website. Facebook is a social network.

A social network is a social meeting place operated on the Internet, an online community, which usually enables users, communicate with each other and interact in virtual space. A social network can serve as a platform for exchanging opinions and experiences or enables the Internet community to do so, to provide personal or company-related information. Facebook allows users of the social network to, among other things, create private profiles, uploading photos and networking via friend requests.

The operating company of Facebook is Facebook, Inc., 1 Hacker Way, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA. The person responsible for the processing of personal data is, if a data subject lives outside of the United States or Canada, die Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a Facebook component (Facebook-Plug-In) was integrated, The Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the respective Facebook component, to download a representation of the corresponding Facebook component from Facebook. A complete overview of all Facebook plug-ins can be found at can be retrieved. As part of this technical process, Facebook becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

If the person concerned is logged in to Facebook at the same time, Facebook recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Facebook component and assigned by Facebook to the respective Facebook account of the data subject. If the person concerned clicks on one of the Facebook buttons integrated on our website, for example the “Like” button, or does the person concerned make a comment, Facebook assigns this information to the personal Facebook user account of the data subject and stores this personal data.

Facebook always receives information about this via the Facebook component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the person concerned is logged in to Facebook at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on the Facebook component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Facebook in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her Facebook account before accessing our website.

The data policy published by Facebook, those at is available, provides information about the survey, Processing and use of personal data by Facebook. It is also explained there, which setting options Facebook offers to protect the privacy of the person concerned. Different applications are also available, that make it possible, to suppress data transmission to Facebook. Such applications can be used by the data subject, to suppress data transmission to Facebook.

9. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Flattr

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of the company Flattr on this website. Flattr is a social payment service from Sweden, which allows the user to make deposits into a credit account and determine a monthly budget, Distribute donations to media providers on the Internet. The user of the service can use Flattr by clicking on a Flattr button, which is integrated on the website of a media provider, instruct, to distribute his set monthly budget to this media provider.

Flattr's operating company is Flattr AB, Box 4111, 203 12 Malmö, Sweden.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a Flattr component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the respective Flattr component, Download a representation of the corresponding Flattr component from Flattr. As part of this technical process, Flattr becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

As long as the person concerned is logged in to Flattr at the same time, Flattr recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Flattr component and assigned by Flattr to the respective Flattr account of the data subject. If the data subject presses the Flattr button integrated on our website, this information is transmitted to Flattr for billing purposes. The data subject has already consented to the transmission of such information to Flattr.

Further information and Flattr's applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

10. Data protection regulations regarding the application and use of functions of the Amazon partner program

As a participant in the Amazon partner program, the person responsible for processing has integrated Amazon components on this website. The Amazon components were designed by Amazon with this in mind, Customers via advertisements on various Amazon Group websites, particularly on,,,,, and against payment of a commission. The controller may generate advertising revenue by using the Amazon components.

The operating company for these Amazon components is Amazon EU S.à.r.l, 5 Rue Plaetis, L-2338 Luxembourg, Luxemburg.

Amazon sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Through every single visit to one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the controller and into which an Amazon component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Amazon component, To transmit data to Amazon for the purpose of online advertising and billing of commissions. As part of this technical process, Amazon gains knowledge of personal data, which serve Amazon for this purpose, to trace the origin of orders received by Amazon and subsequently enable commission billing. Amazon, among others, can understand this, that the data subject clicked on a partner link on our website.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Amazon sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Amazon can be deleted at any time using an Internet browser or other software programs.

Further information and Amazon's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be retrieved.

11. Data protection regulations on the application and use of functions of the collecting society WORT (VG WORD)

The person responsible for processing has integrated tracking pixels on this website. A tracking pixel is a miniature graphic, which is embedded in websites, to enable log file recording and log file analysis, whereby a statistical analysis can be carried out. The integrated tracking pixels are used for the scalable central measurement process (SZM) the collecting society WORT (VG word).

The scalable central measurement method is provided by INFOnline GmbH, Brühler Str. 9, 53119 Bonn, Germany operated.

The scalable central measurement method is used to determine statistical key figures, with which the probability of copying texts is calculated. The embedded tracking pixel makes this possible, that the collecting society can recognize WORT, ob, when and by how many users (including the person concerned) our website was opened and what content was accessed.

The data obtained using the Scalable Central Measurement Process is collected anonymously. To record access numbers, a so-called session cookie is set for the purpose of recognizing the users of a website, So a signature is created, which consists of various automatically transmitted information or uses alternative methods. The IP address of the Internet connection used by the data subject is only collected and processed in anonymized form. The person concerned is never identified.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that INFOnline sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by INFOnline can be deleted at any time using an Internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, a recording of the data generated by INFOnline, to object to data relating to the use of this website and to the processing of this data by INFOnline and to prevent such. To do this, the person concerned must use the opt-out button under the link http://Press, which sets an opt-out cookie. The opt-out cookie set with the objection is stored on the information technology system used by the data subject. The cookies on the data subject's system are deleted after an objection, the data subject must access the link again and set a new opt-out cookie.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

The applicable data protection regulations of INFOnline can be found at can be accessed.

12. Data protection regulations regarding the application and use of Getty Images images

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from Getty Images on this website. Getty Images is an American photo agency. A stock agency is a company, which offers pictures and other images on the market. Picture agencies usually market photographs, Illustrations and footage. Different customers license through a picture agency, especially website operators, Print editorial teams- and TV media and advertising agencies, the images they use.

The operating company for the Getty Images components is Getty Images International, 1st Floor, The Herbert Building, The Park, Carrickmines, Dublin 18, Ireland.

Getty Images allows this (possibly. free) Embedding stock images. Embedding is the inclusion or integration of specific external content, for example of text, Video- or image data, which are provided by another website and then appear on your own website. A so-called embedding code is used for embedding. An embed code is an HTML code, which is integrated into a website by a website operator. An embedding code has been integrated by a website operator, By default, the external content of the other website is displayed immediately, as soon as a website is visited. To display the external content, the external content is loaded directly from the other website. Getty Images provides under the link further information about embedding content is available.

About the technical implementation of the embed code, which enables the image display of images from Getty Images, becomes the IP address of the Internet connection, through which the data subject accesses our website, transferred to Getty Images. Getty Images also records our website, the browser type used, the browser language, the time and length of access. In addition, Getty Images can provide navigation information, this is information about it, which of our subpages were visited by the data subject and which links were clicked on, as well as other interactions, which the data subject carried out when visiting our website, capture. This data can be stored and evaluated by Getty Images.

Further information and Getty Images' applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

13. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Google AdSense

The person responsible for processing has integrated Google AdSense on this website. Google AdSense is an online service, through which advertising on third-party sites is made possible. Google AdSense is based on an algorithm, which selects the advertisements displayed on third-party sites to match the content of the respective third-party site. Google AdSense allows interest-based targeting of the Internet user, which is implemented by generating individual user profiles.

The operating company of the Google AdSense component is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

The purpose of the Google AdSense component is to integrate advertisements on our website. Google AdSense sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. By setting the cookie, Alphabet Inc. enables an analysis of the use of our website. Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and into which a Google AdSense component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Google AdSense component, Data for the purposes of online advertising and billing commissions to Alphabet Inc. to transmit. As part of this technical process, Alphabet Inc. Knowledge of personal data, such as the IP address of the data subject, that of Alphabet Inc. serve, among other things, to track the origin of visitors and clicks and subsequently enable commission calculations.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Alphabet Inc. sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a letter from Alphabet Inc. Cookies that have already been set can be deleted at any time via the internet browser or other software programs.

Google AdSense also uses so-called tracking pixels. A tracking pixel is a miniature graphic, which is embedded in websites, to enable log file recording and log file analysis, whereby a statistical analysis can be carried out. Based on the embedded tracking pixel, Alphabet Inc. recognize, whether and when a website was opened by a data subject and which links were clicked by the data subject. Web beacons are used for this purpose, among other things, Evaluate the flow of visitors to a website.

Personal data and information is collected via Google AdSense, which also includes the IP address and is necessary for recording and billing the advertisements displayed, an die Alphabet Inc. transferred to the United States of America. This personal data is stored and processed in the United States of America. Die Alphabet Inc. may pass on the personal data collected via the technical process to third parties.

Google AdSense is available under this link explained in more detail.

14. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Google Analytics (with anonymization function)

The person responsible for processing has the Google Analytics component on this website (with anonymization function) integrated. Google Analytics is a web analysis service. Web analysis is the survey, Collection and evaluation of data about the behavior of website visitors. A web analysis service collects, among other things, data about this, from which website a data subject came to a website (so-called referrers), which subpages of the website were accessed or how often and for how long a subpage was viewed. Web analysis is primarily used to optimize a website and to analyze the cost-benefit of internet advertising.

The operating company of the Google Analytics component is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

The person responsible for processing uses the addition “_gat._anonymizeIp” for web analysis via Google Analytics.. Using this addition, the IP address of the data subject's Internet connection is shortened and anonymized by Google, if our website is accessed from a member state of the European Union or from another contracting state to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.

The purpose of the Google Analytics component is to analyze the flow of visitors to our website. Google uses the data and information obtained for this purpose, among other things, to evaluate the use of our website, to create online reports for us, which show the activities on our websites, to put together, and to provide other services related to the use of our website.

Google Analytics sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. By setting the cookie, Google is able to analyze the use of our website. Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and into which a Google Analytics component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Google Analytics component, To transmit data to Google for the purpose of online analysis. As part of this technical process, Google gains knowledge of personal data, such as the IP address of the data subject, which Google uses, among other things, to track the origin of visitors and clicks and subsequently enable commission calculations.

The cookie is used to collect personal information, for example the access time, the place, from which access came and the frequency of visits to our website by the data subject, saved. Every time you visit our website, this personal data is collected, including the IP address of the Internet connection used by the data subject, transferred to Google in the United States of America. This personal data is stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may pass on the personal data collected via the technical process to third parties.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Google sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie already set by Google Analytics can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, a collection of data generated by Google Analytics, to object to data relating to the use of this website and to the processing of this data by Google and to prevent such. To do this, the data subject must have a browser add-on under the link https://Download and install This browser add-on tells Google Analytics via JavaScript, that no data or information about website visits may be transmitted to Google Analytics. Installing the browser add-on is viewed by Google as a contradiction. If the information technology system of the data subject is deleted at a later date, formatted or reinstalled, The data subject must reinstall the browser add-on, to deactivate Google Analytics. If the browser add-on is used by the data subject or another person, which is attributable to their sphere of influence, uninstalled or disabled, It is possible to reinstall or reactivate the browser add-on.

Further information and Google's applicable data protection regulations can be found at and at can be accessed. Google Analytics is available at this link explained in more detail.

15. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Google Remarketing

The person responsible for processing has integrated Google Remarketing services on this website. Google Remarketing is a function of Google AdWords, which enables a company, to display advertising to such Internet users, who have previously visited the company's website. The integration of Google Remarketing allows a company to do this, to create user-related advertising and to therefore display interest-relevant advertisements to the Internet user.

The operating company for the Google Remarketing services is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

The purpose of Google Remarketing is to display interest-relevant advertising. Google Remarketing allows us to do this, Display advertisements via the Google advertising network or display them on other websites, which are tailored to the individual needs and interests of Internet users.

Google Remarketing sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. By setting the cookie, Google is able to recognize the visitor to our website, when they subsequently access websites, who are also members of the Google advertising network. With every visit to a website, on which the Google Remarketing service was integrated, The internet browser of the data subject automatically identifies itself with Google. As part of this technical process, Google gains knowledge of personal data, such as the IP address or the user's surfing behavior, which Google uses, among other things, to display interest-relevant advertising.

The cookie is used to collect personal information, for example, the websites visited by the data subject, saved. Every time you visit our website, personal data is collected, including the IP address of the Internet connection used by the data subject, transferred to Google in the United States of America. This personal data is stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may pass on the personal data collected via the technical process to third parties.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Google sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie already set by Google Analytics can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, to object to interest-based advertising by Google. To do this, the data subject must access the link from each of the Internet browsers they use and make the desired settings there.

Further information and Google's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

16. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Google+

The person responsible for processing has integrated the Google+ button as a component on this website. Google+ is a so-called social network. A social network is a social meeting place operated on the Internet, an online community, which usually enables users, communicate with each other and interact in virtual space. A social network can serve as a platform for exchanging opinions and experiences or enables the Internet community to do so, to provide personal or company-related information. Google+ allows users of the social network to, among other things, create private profiles, uploading photos and networking via friend requests.

The operating company of Google+ is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a Google+ button has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Google+ button, Download a representation of the corresponding Google+ button from Google. As part of this technical process, Google becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject. More detailed information about Google+ is available at available.

If the person concerned is logged in to Google+ at the same time, Google recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected through the Google+ button and assigned by Google to the respective Google+ account of the data subject.

If the data subject clicks on one of the Google+ buttons integrated on our website and thereby makes a Google+1 recommendation, Google assigns this information to the personal Google+ user account of the data subject and stores this personal data. Google stores the Google+1 recommendation of the data subject and makes it publicly available in accordance with the terms and conditions accepted by the data subject in this regard. A Google+1 recommendation given by the data subject on this website is subsequently stored together with other personal data, such as the name of the Google+1 account used by the data subject and the photo stored in it in other Google services, for example, the search engine results of the Google search engine, the Google account of the data subject or elsewhere, for example on websites or in connection with advertisements, stored and processed. Furthermore, Google is able to, to link your visit to this website with other personal data stored by Google. Google also records this personal information for the purpose, to improve or optimize Google's various services.

Google always receives information about this via the Google+ button, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to Google+ at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks the Google+ button or not.

If the data subject does not want personal data to be transmitted to Google, This can prevent such transmission, that she logs out of her Google+ account before accessing our website.

Further information and Google's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed. Further information from Google about the Google+1 button can be found at can be accessed.

17. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Google AdWords

The person responsible for processing has integrated Google AdWords on this website. Google AdWords is an Internet advertising service, which allows advertisers, to display ads in both Google search engine results and the Google advertising network. Google AdWords allows an advertiser to do this, Define specific keywords in advance, by means of which an ad is only displayed in Google's search engine results, when the user uses the search engine to retrieve a keyword-relevant search result. In the Google advertising network, the advertisements are distributed on relevant websites using an automatic algorithm and taking into account the previously defined keywords.

The operating company for the Google AdWords services is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

The purpose of Google AdWords is to promote our website by displaying interest-relevant advertising on the websites of third-party companies and in the search engine results of the Google search engine and to display third-party advertising on our website.

If a data subject reaches our website via a Google ad, A so-called conversion cookie is stored by Google on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. A conversion cookie loses its validity after thirty days and is not used to identify the person concerned. The conversion cookie is used, provided the cookie has not yet expired, understood, whether certain subpages, for example the shopping cart from an online shop system, were accessed on our website. Both we and Google can track this through the conversion cookie, whether an affected person, which came to our website via an AdWords ad, generated sales, i.e. completed or canceled a purchase of goods.

The data and information collected through the use of the conversion cookie are used by Google, to create visit statistics for our website. We in turn use these visit statistics, to determine the total number of users, which were communicated to us via AdWords advertisements, i.e. to determine the success or failure of the respective AdWords ad and to optimize our AdWords ads for the future. Neither our company nor other Google AdWords advertising customers receive information from Google, by means of which the data subject could be identified.

The conversion cookie is used to collect personal information, for example, the websites visited by the data subject, saved. Every time you visit our website, personal data is collected, including the IP address of the Internet connection used by the data subject, transferred to Google in the United States of America. This personal data is stored by Google in the United States of America. Google may pass on the personal data collected via the technical process to third parties.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Google sets a conversion cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie already set by Google AdWords can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, to object to interest-based advertising by Google. To do this, the data subject must access the link from each of the Internet browsers they use and make the desired settings there.

Further information and Google's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

18. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Instagram

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of the Instagram service on this website. Instagram is a service, which qualifies as an audiovisual platform and enables users to share photos and videos and also disseminate such data on other social networks.

The operating company for Instagram services is Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2 Ireland.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which an Instagram component (Insta-Button) was integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Instagram component, to download a representation of the corresponding component from Instagram. As part of this technical process, Instagram becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

Provided the person concerned is logged in to Instagram at the same time, Instagram recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Instagram component and assigned by Instagram to the respective Instagram account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Instagram buttons integrated on our website, The data and information transferred are assigned to the personal Instagram user account of the data subject and stored and processed by Instagram.

Instagram always receives information about this via the Instagram component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to Instagram at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on the Instagram component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Instagram in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her Instagram account before accessing our website.

Further information and Instagram’s applicable data protection regulations can be found at und can be accessed.

19. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Jetpack for WordPress

The person responsible for processing has integrated Jetpack on this website. Jetpack is a WordPress plugin, which the operator of a website, which is based on WordPress, offers additional functions. Jetpack allows the website operator, among other things, an overview of the site's visitors. By displaying related posts and publications or the possibility, Share content on the site, It is also possible to increase the number of visitors. There are also security features built into Jetpack, so that a website using Jetpack is better protected against brute force attacks. Jetpack also optimizes and accelerates the loading of the images integrated on the website.

The operating company of the Jetpack plugin for WordPress is Aut O’Mattic A8C Ireland Ltd., Business Centre, No.1 Lower Mayor Street, International Financial Services Centre, Dublin 1, Ireland.

Jetpack sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a Jetpack component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the respective Jetpack component, to transmit data to Automattic for analysis purposes. As part of this technical process, Automattic receives knowledge of data, which are subsequently used to create an overview of website visits. The data obtained in this way is used to analyze the behavior of the person concerned, who has accessed the website of the controller and with the aim of doing so, to optimize the website, evaluated. The data collected via the Jetpack component will not be used without prior obtaining separate express consent from the data subject, to identify the person concerned. The data also comes to Quantcast's attention. Quantcast uses the data for the same purposes as Automattic.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Automattic/Quantcast sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Automattic can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, a collection of data generated by the Jetpack cookie, to object to data relating to the use of this website and to the processing of this data by Automattic/Quantcast and to prevent such. To do this, the person concerned must use the opt-out button under the link https://Press, which sets an opt-out cookie. The opt-out cookie set with the objection is stored on the information technology system used by the data subject. The cookies on the data subject's system are deleted after an objection, the data subject must access the link again and set a new opt-out cookie.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

Automattic’s applicable privacy policy is available at available. Quantcast's applicable privacy policy is available at https://Available at

20. Data protection regulations on the application and use of LinkedIn

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of LinkedIn Corporation on this website. LinkedIn is an Internet-based social network, which enables users to connect with existing business contacts and make new business contacts. Over 400 Millions of registered people use LinkedIn in more than 200 countries. This makes LinkedIn currently the largest platform for business contacts and one of the most visited websites in the world.

LinkedIn is operated by LinkedIn Corporation, 2029 Stierlin Court Mountain View, CA 94043, USA. For data protection matters outside the USA, LinkedIn Ireland is responsible, Privacy Policy Issues, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland, responsible.

Every time you access our website, those with a LinkedIn component (LinkedIn-Plug-In) Is provided, causes this component, that the browser used by the data subject downloads a corresponding representation of the LinkedIn component. Further information about the LinkedIn plug-ins can be found at can be accessed. As part of this technical process, LinkedIn becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

If the person concerned is logged in to LinkedIn at the same time, LinkedIn recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the LinkedIn component and assigned by LinkedIn to the respective LinkedIn account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on a LinkedIn button integrated on our website, LinkedIn assigns this information to the personal LinkedIn user account of the data subject and stores this personal data.

LinkedIn always receives information about this via the LinkedIn component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to LinkedIn at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on the LinkedIn component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to LinkedIn in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her LinkedIn account before accessing our website.

LinkedIn offers at the possibility, Email messages, Unsubscribe from SMS messages and targeted ads and manage ad settings. LinkedIn also uses partners such as Quantcast, Google Analytics, BlueKai, DoubleClick, Nielsen, Comscore, Eloqua und Lotame, who can set cookies. Such cookies can be stored at can be rejected. LinkedIn’s applicable data protection regulations are available at https://Available at LinkedIn's cookie policy is at https://Available at

21. Data protection regulations on the application and use of LiveZilla

The person responsible for processing has integrated the LiveZilla component on this website. LiveZilla is a live support helpdesk software, which enables the establishment of direct communication in real time (so-called live chat) with visitors to your own website.

The developer of the LiveZilla component is LiveZilla GmbH, Byk Gulden Street 18, 78224 To sing, Germany.

Every time you access our website, which is equipped with a LiveZilla component, This component collects data for the purpose, operate the live chat system and analyze the operation of the system. More information about LiveZilla can be found at can be accessed.

The LiveZilla component sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Pseudonymized usage profiles can be created using the LiveZilla cookie. Such pseudonymized usage profiles can be used by the person responsible for processing, to carry out an analysis of visitor behavior as well as to analyze and maintain the proper operation of the live chat system. The analysis also serves to improve our offering. The data collected via the LiveZilla component will not be used without first obtaining separate, express consent from the data subject, to identify the person concerned. This data is not linked to personal data or other data, that contain the same pseudonym, merged.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that the LiveZilla component sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie already set by the LiveZilla component can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs.

The applicable data protection regulations of LiveZilla GmbH can be found at can be accessed.

22. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Myspace

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of Myspace LLC on this website. Myspace is a so-called social network. A social network is a social meeting place operated on the Internet, an online community, which usually enables users, communicate with each other and interact in virtual space. A social network can serve as a platform for exchanging opinions and experiences or enables the Internet community to do so, to provide personal or company-related information. Myspace allows users of the social network, among other things, free user profiles, which contain photos and videos, Set up blogs or groups.

The operating company of Myspace is Myspace LLC, 6100 Center Drive, Suite 800, 90045 The Angels, USA.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a Myspace component (Myspace-Plug-In) was integrated, The Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the respective Myspace component, to download a representation of the corresponding Myspace component from Myspace. More information about Myspace is available at available. As part of this technical process, Myspace becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

Provided the person concerned is logged in to Myspace at the same time, Myspace recognizes each time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Myspace component and assigned by Myspace to the respective Myspace account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on a Myspace button integrated on our website, Myspace assigns this information to the personal Myspace user account of the data subject and stores this personal data.

Myspace always receives information about this via the Myspace component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to Myspace at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on the Myspace component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Myspace in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her Myspace account before accessing our website.

The privacy policy published by Myspace, those at is available, provides information about the survey, Processing and use of personal data by Myspace.

23. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Pinterest

The person responsible for processing has components of Pinterest Inc. on this website. integrated. Pinterest is a so-called social network. A social network is a social meeting place operated on the Internet, an online community, which usually enables users, communicate with each other and interact in virtual space. A social network can serve as a platform for exchanging opinions and experiences or enables the Internet community to do so, to provide personal or company-related information. Pinterest allows users of the social network, among other things, Publish image collections and individual images as well as descriptions on virtual pin boards (so-called pinning), which are then shared by other users (so-called repinning) or can be commented on.

Pinterest's operating company is Pinterest Europe Ltd., Palmerston House, 2nd Floor, Fenian Street, Dublin 2,Ireland.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the controller and on which a Pinterest component (Pinterest-Plug-In) was integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Pinterest component, Download a representation of the corresponding Pinterest component from Pinterest. More information about Pinterest is available at available. As part of this technical process, Pinterest becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

Provided the person concerned is logged in to Pinterest at the same time, Pinterest recognizes each time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Pinterest component and assigned by Pinterest to the respective Pinterest account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on a Pinterest button integrated on our website, Pinterest assigns this information to the personal Pinterest user account of the data subject and stores this personal data.

Pinterest always receives information about this via the Pinterest component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to Pinterest at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on the Pinterest component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Pinterest in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her Pinterest account before accessing our website.

The privacy policy published by Pinterest, those at is available, provides information about the survey, Processing and use of personal data by Pinterest.

24. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Matomo

The person responsible for processing has integrated the Matomo component on this website. Matomo is an open source web analytics software tool. Web analysis is the survey, Collection and evaluation of data about the behavior of website visitors. A web analysis tool collects, among other things, data about it, from which website a data subject came to a website (so-called referrer), which subpages of the website were accessed or how often and for how long a subpage was viewed. Web analysis is primarily used to optimize a website and to analyze the cost-benefit of internet advertising.

The software is operated on the server of the controller, The data protection-sensitive log files are stored exclusively on this server.

The purpose of the Matomo component is to analyze the flow of visitors to our website. The person responsible for processing uses the data and information obtained for this purpose, among other things, to evaluate the use of this website, an Online-Reports, which show the activities on our websites, to put together.

Matomo sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Setting the cookie enables us to analyze the use of our website. Each time one of the individual pages on this website is accessed, the Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the Matomo component, To transmit data to our server for the purpose of online analysis. As part of this technical process, we receive knowledge of personal data, such as the IP address of the data subject, which serves us, among other things, to understand the origin of visitors and clicks.

The cookie is used to collect personal information, for example the access time, the place, from which access came and the frequency of visits to our website is stored. Every time you visit our website, this personal data is collected, including the IP address of the Internet connection used by the data subject, transferred to our server. This personal data is stored by us. We do not pass on this personal data to third parties.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Matomo sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie already set by Matomo can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, a recording of the data generated by the Matomo, to object to and prevent data relating to the use of this website. To do this, the data subject must set “Do Not Track” in their browser.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

Further information and Matomo's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

25. Data protection provisions on the application and use of Shariff

The person responsible for processing has integrated the Shariff component on this website. The Shariff component provides social media buttons, that are data protection compliant. Shariff was developed for the German computer magazine c’t and is available on GitHub, Inc. published.

The component is developed by GitHub, Inc. 88 Colin P. Kelly Junior Street, San Francisco, CA 94107, USA.

The button solutions provided by social networks usually transfer personal data to the respective social network, when a user visits a website, in which a social media button was integrated. By using the Shariff component, personal data is only then transmitted to social networks, when the visitor to a website actively presses one of the social media buttons. Further information about the Shariff component is available from the computer magazine c’t at The use of the Shariff component has the purpose, to protect the personal data of visitors to our website and at the same time enable us to do so, to integrate a button solution for social networks on this website.

Further information and GitHub's applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

26. Data protection regulations on the application and use of SlideShare

The person responsible for processing has integrated SlideShare components on this website. As a file hosting service, LinkedIn SlideShare enables the exchange and archiving of presentations and other documents such as PDF files, Videos and webinars. The file hosting service allows users to upload media content in all common formats, whereby the documents can either be made publicly available or privately marked.

SlideShare's operating company is LinkedIn Ireland Unlimited Company, Wilton Plaza, Wilton Place, Dublin 2, Ireland.

LinkedIn SlideShare provides so-called embed codes for the media content stored there (presentations, PDF files, Videos, Photos, etc.) available. Embed codes are program codes, which are embedded into websites with the aim of doing so, display external content on your own website. Embed codes make it possible, Reproduce content on your own website, without storing it on your own server and possibly violating the reproduction right of the respective author of the content. Another advantage of using an embed code is, that the respective operator of a website does not use its own storage space and this reduces the load on its own server. An embed code can be integrated anywhere on another website, so that external content can also be inserted within your own text. The purpose of using LinkedIn SlideShare is to reduce the load on our server and to avoid copyright infringements while simultaneously using third-party content.

Every time you access our website, those with a SlideShare component (Embed-Codes) Is provided, causes this component, that the browser you use downloads embedded data from SlideShare. As part of this technical process, LinkedIn becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

Provided the person concerned is logged in to SlideShare at the same time, SlideShare recognizes each time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage the data subject visits. This information is collected by SlideShare and assigned to the respective SlideShare account of the data subject by LinkedIn.

LinkedIn always receives information about this via the SlideShare component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to SlideShare at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on the integrated media data or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to LinkedIn in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her SlideShare account before accessing our website.

LinkedIn also uses partners such as Quantcast, Google Analytics, BlueKai, DoubleClick, Nielsen, Comscore, Eloqua und Lotame, who can set cookies. Such cookies can be stored at can be rejected. LinkedIn’s applicable data protection regulations are available at https://Available at

27. Data protection regulations regarding the application and use of Tumblr

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of Tumblr on this website. Tumblr is a platform, which enables users, create and run a blog. A blog is one maintained on a website, usually a publicly visible portal, in which one or more people, which are called bloggers or webloggers, Post articles or write down thoughts in so-called blog posts. In a blog on Tumblr, for example, the user can write texts, Pictures, Publish links and videos and distribute them in the digital space. Furthermore, Tumblr users can copy content from other websites into their own blog.

Tumblr's operating company is Oath (EMEA) Limited, 5-7 Point Square, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1, Ireland.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the controller and on which a Tumblr component (Tumblr-Button) was integrated, The Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the respective Tumblr component, Download a representation of the corresponding Tumblr component from Tumblr. Further information about the Tumblr buttons is available at https://Available at As part of this technical process, Tumblr becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject. The purpose of integrating the Tumblr component is, to enable our users to redistribute the contents of this website, to make this website known in the digital world and to increase our visitor numbers.

As long as the person concerned is logged in to Tumblr at the same time, Tumblr recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Tumblr component and assigned by Tumblr to the respective Tumblr account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Tumblr buttons integrated on our website, The data and information transferred are assigned to the personal Tumblr user account of the data subject and stored and processed by Tumblr.

Tumblr always receives information about this via the Tumblr component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the person concerned is logged in to Tumblr at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on the Tumblr component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Tumblr in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her Tumblr account before accessing our website.

Tumblr's applicable privacy policy is available at https://Available at

28. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Twitter

The person responsible for processing has integrated Twitter components on this website. Twitter is a multilingual public microblogging service, on which users post so-called tweets, so short messages, the on 280 Characters are limited, publish and distribute. These short messages are for everyone, This means it can also be accessed by people who are not logged in to Twitter. The tweets are also displayed to the so-called followers of the respective user. Followers are other Twitter users, who follow a user's tweets. Twitter also enables hashtags, Links or retweets address a broad audience.

Operating company of Twitter International Company, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street Dublin 2, D02 AX07, Ireland.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a Twitter component (Twitter-Button) was integrated, The Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the respective Twitter component, to download a representation of the corresponding Twitter component from Twitter. Further information about the Twitter buttons is available at available. As part of this technical process, Twitter becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject. The purpose of integrating the Twitter component is, to enable our users to redistribute the contents of this website, to make this website known in the digital world and to increase our visitor numbers.

Provided the person concerned is logged in to Twitter at the same time, Twitter recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Twitter component and assigned by Twitter to the respective Twitter account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Twitter buttons integrated on our website, The data and information transferred are assigned to the personal Twitter user account of the data subject and stored and processed by Twitter.

Twitter always receives information about this via the Twitter component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to Twitter at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on the Twitter component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Twitter in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her Twitter account before accessing our website.

Twitter’s applicable privacy policy is available at available.

29. Data protection provisions on the application and use of WiredMinds

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from WiredMinds on this website. Through the WiredMinds components, companies become, who visit a website, automatically recognized and qualified. The WiredMinds component enables the operator of a website, who uses the component, the generation of leads, i.e. a qualification of potential new customers.

The operating company of WiredMinds is WiredMinds GmbH, Lindenfühlstrasse 32, 70176 Stuttgart, Germany.

We use a WiredMinds tracking pixel. A tracking pixel is a miniature graphic, which is embedded into a website, to enable log file recording and log file analysis, in order to subsequently carry out a statistical analysis.

WiredMinds also sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Setting the cookie enables us to analyze the use of our website.

Pseudonymized usage profiles are created using the data obtained. The pseudonymized usage profiles are used for the purpose of analyzing visitor behavior and enable us to improve our Internet offering. The data collected via the WiredMinds component will not be used without first obtaining separate and express consent from the data subject, to identify the person concerned. This data is not linked to personal data or other data, that contain the same pseudonym, merged.

Each time one of the individual pages on this website is accessed, the Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the WiredMinds component, to transmit data for the purpose of online analysis. As part of this technical process, WiredMinds gains knowledge of personal data, like the IP address, which, among other things, serves this purpose, to understand the origin of visitors and clicks.

The cookie is used to collect personal information, for example the access time, the place, from which access came and the frequency of visits to our website, saved. Every time you visit our website, this personal data is collected, including the IP address of the Internet connection used by the data subject, transferred to the WiredMinds server. This personal data is stored by WiredMinds, but not passed on to third parties.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that WiredMinds sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, a cookie already set by WiredMinds can be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, a recording of the data generated by WiredMinds, to object to and prevent data relating to the use of this website. To do this, the person concerned must use the Dont Track My Visits button under the link on websiteel. If the information technology system of the data subject is deleted at a later date, formatted or reinstalled, the data subject must set an opt-out cookie again.

Further information and WiredMinds' applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

30. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Xing

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from Xing on this website. Xing is an Internet-based social network, which enables users to connect with existing business contacts as well as making new business contacts. Individual users can create a personal profile of themselves on Xing. Companies can, for example, create company profiles or publish job offers on Xing.

Xing’s operating company is XING SE, Dammtorstraße 30, 20354 Hamburg, Germany.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a Xing component (Xing-Plug-In) was integrated, The Internet browser on the data subject's information technology system is automatically triggered by the respective Xing component, to download a representation of the corresponding Xing component from Xing. Further information about the Xing plug-ins can be found at can be accessed. As part of this technical process, Xing becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

Provided the person concerned is logged in to Xing at the same time, Xing recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Xing component and assigned by Xing to the respective Xing account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on one of the Xing buttons integrated on our website, for example the “Share” button, Xing assigns this information to the personal Xing user account of the data subject and stores this personal data.

Xing always receives information about this via the Xing component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to Xing at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the person concerned clicks on the Xing component or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to Xing in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her Xing account before accessing our website.

The data protection regulations published by Xing, those at https://can be accessed at, provide information about the survey, Processing and use of personal data by Xing. Furthermore, Xing has Data protection information for the XING share button published.

31. Data protection regulations on the application and use of YouTube

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from YouTube on this website. YouTube is an Internet video portal, that video publishers can post video clips for free and other users can also view them for free, Evaluation and commenting on these is possible. YouTube allows the publication of all types of videos, why both complete film- and television shows, but also music videos, Trailers or videos made by users can be accessed via the internet portal.

YouTube’s operating company is Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a YouTube component (YouTube-Video) was integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective YouTube component, to download a representation of the corresponding YouTube component from YouTube. Further information about YouTube can be found at can be accessed. As part of this technical process, YouTube and Google become aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

If the person concerned is logged in to YouTube at the same time, recognizes YouTube when you visit a subpage, which contains a YouTube video, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by YouTube and Google and assigned to the respective YouTube account of the data subject.

YouTube and Google always receive information about this via the YouTube component, that the data subject has visited our website, if the data subject is logged in to YouTube at the same time as accessing our website; this takes place regardless, whether the data subject clicks on a YouTube video or not. If the data subject does not want this information to be transmitted to YouTube and Google in this way, This can prevent the transmission, that she logs out of her YouTube account before accessing our website.

The privacy policy published by YouTube, those at are available, provide information about the survey, Processing and use of personal data by YouTube and Google.

32. Data protection regulations on the application and use of DoubleClick

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from DoubleClick by Google on this website. DoubleClick is a trademark of Google, under which mainly special online marketing solutions are marketed to advertising agencies and publishers.

Operating company of Google Ireland Limited, Gordon House, Barrow Street, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland.

DoubleClick by Google transfers data to the DoubleClick server with every impression as well as with clicks or other activities. Each of these data transfers triggers a cookie request to the data subject's browser. The browser accepts this request, DoubleClick sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. The purpose of the cookie is to optimize and display advertising. The cookie is used for this, among other things, to place and display user-relevant advertising and to create reports on or improve advertising campaigns. The cookie also serves this purpose, To avoid multiple displays of the same advertisement.

DoubleClick uses a cookie ID, which is necessary to carry out the technical process. For example, the cookie ID is required, to display an advertisement in a browser. DoubleClick can also collect data via the cookie ID, which advertisements have already been displayed in a browser, to avoid double switching. Furthermore, DoubleClick is able to use the cookie ID, to record conversions. For example, conversions are then recorded, if a user was previously shown a DoubleClick advertisement and then made a purchase on the advertiser's website using the same Internet browser.

A DoubleClick cookie does not contain any personal data. However, a DoubleClick cookie can contain additional campaign identifiers. A campaign identifier is used to identify the campaigns, with whom the user has already been in contact.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a DoubleClick component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective DoubleClick component, To transmit data to Google for the purposes of online advertising and billing of commissions. As part of this technical process, Google gains knowledge of data, which Google also serves for this purpose, Create commission statements. Google can understand this, among other things, that the data subject has clicked on certain links on our website.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Google sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Google can be deleted at any time via an Internet browser or other software programs.

Further information and the applicable data protection regulations of DoubleClick by Google can be found at can be accessed.

33. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Awin

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from Awin on this website. Awin is a German affiliate network, which offers affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an internet-based form of sales, which allows commercial operators of websites, the so-called merchants or advertisers, enabled, Advertising, mostly via click- or sales commissions are paid, on third-party websites, i.e. with sales partners, which are also called affiliates or publishers, to display. The merchant provides advertising material via the affiliate network, i.e. an advertising banner or other suitable means of internet advertising, which are subsequently integrated by an affiliate on their own website or via other channels, such as keyword advertising or email marketing, be advertised.

Awin's operating company is Awin AG, Eichhornstraße 3, 10785 Berlin, Germany.

Awin sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Awin's tracking cookie does not store any personal data. Only the affiliate’s identification number is saved, i.e. the partner who mediates the potential customer, as well as the serial number of the visitor to a website and the advertising medium clicked on. The purpose of storing this data is to process commission payments between a merchant and the affiliate, which via the affiliate network, also Awin, be processed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Awin sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Awin can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

Awin's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

34. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Adcell

The person responsible for processing has integrated Adcell components on this website. Adcell is a German affiliate network, which offers affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an internet-based form of sales, which allows commercial operators of websites, the so-called merchants or advertisers, enabled, Advertising, mostly via click- or sales commissions are paid, on third-party websites, i.e. with sales partners, which are also called affiliates or publishers, to display. The merchant provides advertising material via the affiliate network, i.e. an advertising banner or other suitable means of internet advertising, available, which are subsequently integrated by an affiliate on their own website or via other channels, such as keyword advertising or email marketing, be advertised.

Adcell's operating company is Firstlead GmbH, Rosenfelder St. 15-16, 10315 Berlin, Germany.

Adcell sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Adcell's tracking cookie does not store any personal data. Only the affiliate’s identification number is saved, i.e. the partner who mediates the potential customer, as well as the serial number of the visitor to a website and the advertising medium clicked on. The purpose of storing this data is to process commission payments between a merchant and the affiliate, which via the affiliate network, also Adcell, be processed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Adcell sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Adcell can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

Adcell’s applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

35. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Belboon

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from Belboon on this website. Belboon is a German affiliate network, which offers affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an internet-based form of sales, which allows commercial operators of websites, the so-called merchants or advertisers, enabled, Advertising, mostly via click- or sales commissions are paid, on third-party websites, i.e. with sales partners, which are also called affiliates or publishers, to display. The merchant provides advertising material via the affiliate network, i.e. an advertising banner or other suitable means of internet advertising, which are subsequently integrated by an affiliate on their own website or via other channels, such as keyword advertising or email marketing, be advertised.

Adcell's operating company is belboon GmbH, Weinmeisterstr. 12-14, 10178 Berlin, Germany.

Belboon sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Belboon's tracking cookie does not store any personal data. Only the affiliate’s identification number is saved, i.e. the partner who mediates the potential customer, as well as the serial number of the visitor to a website and the advertising medium clicked on. The purpose of storing this data is to process commission payments between a merchant and the affiliate, which via the affiliate network, also Belboon, be processed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Belboon sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Belboon can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

Belboon's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

36. Data protection regulations on the application and use of TradeTracker

The person responsible for processing has integrated TradeTracker components on this website. TradeTracker is an affiliate network, which offers affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an internet-based form of sales, which allows commercial operators of websites, the so-called. Merchants oder Advertisern, enabled, Advertising, mostly via click- or sales commissions are paid, on third-party websites, i.e. with sales partners, which are also called affiliates or publishers, to display. The merchant provides advertising material via the affiliate network, i.e. an advertising banner or other suitable means of internet advertising, available, which are subsequently integrated by an affiliate on their own website or via other channels, such as keyword advertising or email marketing, be advertised.

TradeTracker's operating company is TradeTracker Deutschland GmbH, Eiffestraße 426, 20537 Hamburg, Germany.

TradeTracker sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. TradeTracker's tracking cookie does not store any personal data. Only the affiliate’s identification number is saved, i.e. the partner who mediates the potential customer, as well as the serial number of the visitor to a website and the advertising medium clicked on. The purpose of storing this data is to process commission payments between a merchant and the affiliate, which via the affiliate network, also TradeTracker, be processed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that TradeTracker sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by TradeTracker can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

TradeTracker's applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

37. Data protection regulations on the application and use of adgoal

The person responsible for processing has integrated adgoal components on this website. Adgoal is a German affiliate network, which offers affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an internet-based form of sales, which allows commercial operators of websites, the so-called merchants or advertisers, enabled, Advertising, mostly via click- or sales commissions are paid, on third-party websites, i.e. with sales partners, which are also called affiliates or publishers, to display. The merchant provides advertising material via the affiliate network, i.e. an advertising banner or other suitable means of internet advertising, available, which are subsequently integrated by an affiliate on their own website or via other channels, such as keyword advertising or email marketing, be advertised.

adgoal's operating company is adgoal GmbH, Schellengasse 2, 74072 Heilbronn, Germany.

Adgoal sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. adgoal's tracking cookie does not store any personal data. Only the affiliate’s identification number is saved, i.e. the partner mediating the potential customer as well as the serial number of the visitor to a website and the advertising medium clicked on. The purpose of storing this data is to process commission payments between a merchant and the affiliate, which via the affiliate network, also adgoal, be processed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that adgoal sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by adgoal can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

Adgoal's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

38. Data protection regulations on the application and use of YieldKit

The person responsible for processing has integrated YieldKit components on this website. YieldKit is a German affiliate network, which offers affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an internet-based form of sales, which allows commercial operators of websites, the so-called merchants or advertisers, enabled, Advertising, mostly via click- or sales commissions are paid, on third-party websites, i.e. with sales partners, which are also called affiliates or publishers, to display. The merchant provides advertising material via the affiliate network, i.e. an advertising banner or other suitable means of internet advertising, available, which are subsequently integrated by an affiliate on their own website or via other channels, such as keyword advertising or email marketing, be advertised.

YieldKit’s operating company is YieldKit GmbH, Jarrestraße 44b, 22303 Hamburg, Germany.

YieldKit sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. YieldKit's tracking cookie does not store any personal data. Only the affiliate’s identification number is saved, i.e. the partner who mediates the potential customer, as well as the serial number of the visitor to a website and the advertising medium clicked on. The purpose of storing this data is to process commission payments between a merchant and the affiliate, which via the affiliate network, also YieldKit, be processed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that YieldKit sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by YieldKit can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

YieldKit's applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

39. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Tradedoubler

The person responsible for processing has integrated Tradedoubler components on this website. Tradedoubler is a German affiliate network, which offers affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing is an internet-based form of sales, which allows commercial operators of websites, the so-called merchants or advertisers, enabled, Advertising, mostly via click- or sales commissions are paid, on third-party websites, i.e. with sales partners, which are also called affiliates or publishers, to display. The merchant provides advertising material via the affiliate network, i.e. an advertising banner or other suitable means of internet advertising, available, which are subsequently integrated by an affiliate on their own website or via other channels, such as keyword advertising or email marketing, be advertised.

Tradedoubler's operating company is Tradedoubler GmbH, Herzog-Wilhelm-Strasse 26, 80331 München, Germany.

Tradedoubler sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Tradedoubler's tracking cookie does not store any personal data. Only the affiliate’s identification number is saved, i.e. the partner who mediates the potential customer, as well as the serial number of the visitor to a website and the advertising medium clicked on. The purpose of storing this data is to process commission payments between a merchant and the affiliate, which via the affiliate network, also Tradedoubler, be processed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Tradedoubler sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Tradedoubler can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

Tradedoubler's applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

40. Data protection provisions on the application and use of Oracle Eloqua / Oracle Marketing Cloud

The person responsible for processing has Oracle Eloqua components on this website / Oracle Marketing Cloud integrated (hereinafter referred to as “Eloqua”.). Eloqua matches relevant website content with data from interested parties, Customers and their profiles, to enable website operators, Address prospects and customers more effectively and specifically. The purpose of Eloqua is, to increase the conversion rate of interested parties into customers and thus increase the sales of a website operator.

Eloqua's operating company is Oracle Corporation, 10 Van de Graaff Drive, Burlington, MA 01803, USA.

Eloqua sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Eloqua will use the data and information obtained via our website on behalf of the person responsible for processing, the user behavior of the person concerned, who used our website, to evaluate. Eloqua will also use the data, to create reports on user activities on our behalf, and to provide other services for our company, which are related to the use of our website.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Oracle sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Oracle can be deleted at any time via the Internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, the collection of data generated by the Eloqua cookie, to object to and prevent data relating to the use of this website and the processing of this data by Oracle. To do this, the data subject must use the Click Here button at https://Press, which sets an opt-out cookie. The opt-out cookie set with the objection is stored on the information technology system used by the data subject. The cookies on the data subject's system are deleted after an objection, the data subject must access the link again and set a new opt-out cookie.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

Oracle's applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

41. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Lotame

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from Lotame on this website. Lotame is a data management platform, into which data is fed from third-party sources across devices, for subsequent content, Personalize advertising and offers. Lotame is therefore also an analysis service. An analysis service carries out a survey, Collection and evaluation of data. It is mainly used to optimize a website and for cost-benefit planning of advertising activities.

Lotame's operating company is Lotame Solutions, Inc. Suite 2000 8850 Stanford Blvd. Columbia, Maryland, 21045, USA.

The purpose of Lotame is to address our customers and interested parties across devices. Customers can be addressed across devices, if these are used both on a normal computer system and on mobile devices such as notebooks, tablets or mobile phones. Lotame uses so-called unique identifiers for this purpose (UIDs). A Unique Identifier is a technology, through which can be determined, which different technological systems are used by a particular person.

Lotame sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which a Lotame component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Lotame component, To transmit data to Lotame for optimization purposes. As part of this technical process, Lotame receives knowledge of data, which are subsequently used to create usage profiles. The usage profiles obtained in this way are used for determination, which different information technology devices the respective user uses, in order to subsequently optimize our advertising activities.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Lotame sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Lotame can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

It is also possible to record the data generated by the Lotame cookie, to object to data relating to the use of this website and to the processing of this data by Lotame and to prevent such. To do this, the person concerned must use the opt-out button at https://Press, through which an opt-out cookie is set. The opt-out cookie set with the objection is stored on the information technology system used by the data subject. The cookies on the data subject's system are deleted after an objection, the data subject must access the link again and set a new opt-out cookie.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

Lotame's applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

42. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Bloglovin

The person responsible for processing has integrated Bloglovin components on this website. Bloglovin is an online platform, which allows users to organize their favorite blogs. A blog is one maintained on a website, usually a publicly visible portal, in which one or more people, which are called bloggers or webloggers, Post articles or write down thoughts in so-called blog posts.

Bloglovin's operating company is Bloglovin Inc., 25 Broadway, New York, NY 10004, USA.

Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and into which a Bloglovin component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Bloglovin component, to download a representation of the corresponding Bloglovin component from Bloglovin. As part of this technical process, Bloglovin becomes aware of this, which specific subpage of our website is visited by the data subject.

Provided that the person concerned is logged in to Bloglovin at the same time, Bloglovin recognizes every time the data subject visits our website and for the entire duration of their stay on our website, which specific subpage of our website the data subject visits. This information is collected by the Bloglovin component and assigned by Bloglovin to the respective Bloglovin account of the data subject. If the data subject clicks on the Bloglovin button integrated on our website, this information is transmitted to Bloglovin. The data subject has already consented to the transmission of such information to Bloglovin.

Further information and Bloglovin's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

43. Data protection regulations on the application and use of Amobee

The person responsible for processing has integrated Amobee components on this website. Amobee is a technological advertising agency, which specializes in the delivery of advertising to mobile devices.

Amobee's operating company is Amobee Inc., 950 Tower Lane, Suite 2000, Foster City, CA 94404, USA.

The purpose of Amobee is to deliver advertising. Amobee sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. Every time you access one of the individual pages on this website, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and on which an Amobee component has been integrated, The Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically triggered by the respective Amobee component, to transmit data to Amobee. As part of this technical process, Amobee receives knowledge of data, which are subsequently used to create usage profiles. The usage profiles obtained in this way are used for advertising activities.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that Amobee sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by Amobee can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

The possibility still exists, a collection of data generated by the Amobee cookie, to object to data relating to the use of this website and to the processing of this data by Amobee and to prevent such. To do this, the data subject must use the Click-Here-To-Opt-Out button at, through which an opt-out cookie is set. The opt-out cookie set with the objection is stored on the information technology system used by the data subject. The cookies on the data subject's system are deleted after an objection, the data subject must access the link again and set a new opt-out cookie.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

Amobee’s applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

44. Data protection regulations on the application and use of ADITION

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from ADITION on this website. ADITION is a data-based digital marketing provider, who provides an advertising platform, which is aimed at advertisers and online marketing agencies.

ADITION's operating company is ADITION technologies AG, Oststraße 55, 40211 Düsseldorf, Germany.

The purpose of ADITION is to display digital advertising materials. ADITION sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. What cookies are, has already been explained above. ADITION does not store any personal data in the cookie. All information stored in the cookie is of a technical nature and allows, among other things, to be traced, how frequently certain advertising materials are displayed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that ADITION sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by ADITION can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

The possibility still exists, a recording of the data generated by the ADITION cookie, to object to data relating to the use of this website and to the processing of this data by ADITION and to prevent such. To do this, the person concerned must create a link at click, through which an opt-out cookie is set. The opt-out cookie set with the objection, is stored on the information technology system used by the data subject. The cookies on the data subject's system are deleted after an objection, the data subject must access the link again and set a new opt-out cookie.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

ADITION's applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

45. Data protection regulations on the application and use of AdJug

The person responsible for processing has integrated AdJug components on this website. AdJug is an advertising exchange platform, which online advertising spaces (Banner advertising) conveyed.

AdJug's operating company is AdJug Ltd. 5th Floor Glen House, 200-208 Tottenham Court Road, London, W1T7PL, United Kingdom.

AdJug sets a cookie. Furthermore, every time one of the individual pages on this website is accessed, which is operated by the person responsible for processing and into which an AdJug component has been integrated, the Internet browser on the information technology system of the data subject is automatically initiated by the respective AdJug component, to transmit data to AdJug for the purpose of displaying advertisements. As part of this technical process, AdJug becomes aware of this, that our website was accessed by the information technology system used by the data subject. The data transferred to AdJug as part of the technical process is used for billing purposes in relation to the advertising displayed.

The data subject can prevent the setting of cookies through our website, as already shown above, You can prevent this at any time by means of an appropriate setting in the Internet browser used and thus permanently object to the setting of cookies. Such a setting of the Internet browser used would also prevent this, that AdJug sets a cookie on the information technology system of the data subject. In addition, cookies already set by AdJug can be deleted at any time via an internet browser or other software programs.

The person concerned also has the option, a collection of data generated by the AdJug cookie, to object to data relating to the use of this website and to the processing of this data by AdJug and to prevent such. To do this, the data subject must use the consumer cookie opt-out link at http://Press, which sets an opt-out cookie. The opt-out cookie set with the objection is stored on the information technology system used by the data subject. The cookies on the data subject's system are deleted after an objection, the data subject must access the link again and set a new opt-out cookie.

However, it is possible to set the opt-out cookie, that the website of the controller is no longer fully usable for the data subject.

AdJug’s applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

46. Payment method: Data protection regulations for Klarna as a payment method

The person responsible for processing has integrated components from Klarna on this website. Klarna is an online payment service provider, which enables purchase on account or flexible installment payment. Klarna also offers additional services, such as buyer protection or identity- and credit check, offered.

Klarna’s operating company is Klarna Bank AB, Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden.

If the person concerned selects either “purchase on account” or “installment purchase” as a payment option during the ordering process in our online shop, The data of the person concerned is automatically transmitted to Klarna. By selecting one of these payment options, the data subject agrees to this, to process the invoice- or installment purchase or for identity- and credit check required, Transmission of personal data.

The personal data transmitted to Klarna is usually the first name, Last name, Address, birth date, Gender, Email-Address, IP Address, Telephone number, Mobile phone number and other data, to process an invoice- or installment purchase is necessary. Such personal data is also necessary to process the purchase contract, which are related to the respective order. In particular, there may be a mutual exchange of payment information, like bank details, Card number, Validity date and CVC code, Item count, item number, Data on goods and services, Prices and tax charges, Information about previous purchasing behavior or other information about the financial situation of the person concerned, come.

The purpose of transmitting the data is, in particular, to verify identity, payment administration and fraud prevention. In particular, the person responsible for processing will transmit personal data to Klarna, if there is a legitimate interest in the transmission. The personal data exchanged between Klarna and the controller are transmitted by Klarna to credit reporting agencies. This transmission is intended to establish identity- and credit check.

Klarna also shares personal data with affiliated companies (Klarna Group) and service providers or subcontractors, to the extent that this is necessary to fulfill the contractual obligations or the data is to be processed on behalf of the customer.

To decide on the justification, When carrying out or terminating a contractual relationship, Klarna collects and uses data and information about the previous payment behavior of the person concerned as well as probability values ​​for their behavior in the future (so-called scoring). The calculation of the scoring is carried out on the basis of scientifically recognized mathematical and statistical methods.

The person concerned has the option, to revoke your consent to the handling of personal data to Klarna at any time. A revocation does not affect personal data, which is mandatory (contractually agreed) Payment processing processed, must be used or transmitted.

Klarna’s applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

47. Payment method: Data protection regulations for PayPal as a payment method

The person responsible for processing has integrated PayPal components on this website. PayPal is an online payment service provider. Payments are processed via so-called PayPal accounts, the virtual private- or represent business accounts. There is also the option with PayPal, Process virtual payments via credit cards, if a user does not have a PayPal account. A PayPal account is managed via an email address, which is why there is no classic account number. PayPal makes it possible, To initiate online payments to third parties or to receive payments. PayPal also assumes trustee functions and offers buyer protection services.

The European operating company of PayPal is PayPal (Europe) S.a.r.l. and co, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxemburg.

If the person concerned selects “PayPal” as the payment option during the ordering process in our online shop, The data of the person concerned is automatically transmitted to PayPal. By selecting this payment option, the data subject consents to the transmission of personal data required for payment processing.

The personal data transmitted to PayPal is usually your first name, Last name, Address, Email-Address, IP Address, Telephone number, Mobile phone number oder andere Daten, which are necessary for payment processing. Such personal data is also necessary to process the purchase contract, which are related to the respective order.

The purpose of transmitting the data is to process payments and prevent fraud. In particular, the person responsible for processing will transmit personal data to PayPal, if there is a legitimate interest in the transmission. The personal data exchanged between PayPal and the person responsible for processing may be transmitted by PayPal to credit reporting agencies. This transmission is intended to establish identity- and credit check.

PayPal may pass on personal data to affiliated companies and service providers or subcontractors, to the extent that this is necessary to fulfill the contractual obligations or the data is to be processed on behalf of the customer.

The person concerned has the option, to revoke your consent to the handling of personal data to PayPal at any time. A revocation does not affect personal data, which is mandatory (contractually agreed) Payment processing processed, must be used or transmitted.

PayPal’s applicable data protection regulations can be found at can be accessed.

48. Payment method: Data protection regulations for Skrill as a payment method

The person responsible for processing has integrated Skrill components on this website. Skrill is an online payment service provider. Payments are processed via the so-called Skrill wallet, which represents a virtual electronic wallet. Skrill also offers the option, Process virtual payments via credit cards. A Skrill wallet is managed via an email address. Skrill makes it possible, Initiate online payments to third parties or receive payments.

Skrill's operating company is Skrill Limited, 25 Canada Square, London E14 5LQ, United Kingdom.

If the person concerned selects “Skrill” as the payment option during the ordering process in our online shop, The data of the person concerned is automatically transmitted to Skrill. By selecting this payment option, the data subject consents to the transmission of personal data required for payment processing.

The personal data exchanged with Skrill is the purchase amount and the email address, which are necessary for payment processing. The purpose of transmitting the data is to process payments and prevent fraud. The data controller will also transfer other personal data to Skrill, if there is a legitimate interest in the transmission. The personal data exchanged between Skrill and the data controller may be transmitted by Skrill to credit reporting agencies. This transmission is intended to establish identity- and credit check.

Skrill may share personal data with affiliated companies and service providers or subcontractors, to the extent that this is necessary to fulfill the contractual obligations or the data is to be processed on behalf of the customer.

The person concerned has the option, to revoke your consent to the handling of personal data to Skrill at any time. A revocation does not affect personal data, which is mandatory (contractually agreed) Payment processing processed, must be used or transmitted.

Skrill's applicable privacy policy can be found at can be accessed.

49. Payment method: Data protection regulations for instant transfer as a payment method

The person responsible for processing has integrated components of Sofortüberweisung on this website. Sofortüberweisung is a payment service, which enables cashless payment of products and services on the Internet. Sofortüberweisung is a technical process, through which the online retailer immediately receives a payment confirmation. This is how a dealer is enabled, Were, Deliver services or downloads to the customer immediately after the order.

The operating company for Sofortüberweisung is Klarna Bank AB, Sveavägen 46, 111 34 Stockholm, Sweden.

If the person concerned selects “immediate transfer” as the payment option during the ordering process in our online shop, The data of the person concerned is automatically transmitted to Sofortüberweisung. By selecting this payment option, the data subject consents to the transfer of personal data required for payment processing.

When purchasing via Sofortüberweisung, the buyer sends the PIN and TAN to Sofort GmbH. Sofortüberweisung then carries out a transfer to the online retailer after a technical check of the account balance and retrieval of further data to check the account funds. The online retailer is then informed automatically that the financial transaction has been carried out.

The personal data exchanged with Sofortüberweisung is the first name, Last name, Address, Email-Address, IP Address, Telephone number, Mobile phone number oder andere Daten, which are necessary for payment processing. The purpose of transmitting the data is to process payments and prevent fraud. The person responsible for processing will also transmit other personal data to Sofortüberweisung, if there is a legitimate interest in the transmission. The personal data exchanged between Sofortüberweisung and the person responsible for processing may be transmitted by Sofortüberweisung to credit reporting agencies. This transmission is intended to establish identity- and credit check.

Sofortüberweisung may pass on the personal data to affiliated companies and service providers or subcontractors, to the extent that this is necessary to fulfill the contractual obligations or the data is to be processed on behalf of the customer.

The person concerned has the option, to revoke your consent to the handling of personal data to Sofortüberweisung at any time. A revocation does not affect personal data, which is mandatory (contractually agreed) Payment processing processed, must be used or transmitted.

The applicable data protection regulations of Sofortüberweisung can be found at can be accessed.

50. Legal basis for processing

Art. 6 I lit. a DS-GVO serves our company as the legal basis for processing operations, where we obtain consent for a specific processing purpose. Is the processing of personal data to fulfill a contract, to which the data subject is a contracting party, necessary, as is the case, for example, with processing operations, which are necessary for the delivery of goods or the provision of another service or consideration, the processing is based on Art. 6 I lit. b DS-GVO. The same applies to processing operations that are necessary to carry out pre-contractual measures, for example in cases of inquiries about our products or services. Our company is subject to a legal obligation that requires the processing of personal data, such as to fulfill tax obligations, the processing is based on Art. 6 I lit. c DS-GVO. In rare cases, the processing of personal data may become necessary, to protect the vital interests of the data subject or another natural person. This would be the case, for example, if a visitor were injured in our company and then his name, his age, his health insurance details or other vital information to a doctor, a hospital or other third party would have to be passed on. Then the processing would be based on Art. 6 I lit. d GDPR based. Ultimately, processing operations could be based on Art. 6 I lit. f GDPR based. Processing operations are based on this legal basis, which are not covered by any of the aforementioned legal bases, if the processing is necessary to protect a legitimate interest of our company or a third party, provided the interests, Basic rights and freedoms of the person concerned do not prevail. For this reason, we are particularly permitted to carry out such processing operations, because they were specifically mentioned by the European legislator. He took this view, that a legitimate interest could be assumed, if the data subject is a customer of the controller (Recital 47 Sentence 2 DS-GVO).

51. Legitimate interests in processing, which are pursued by the person responsible or a third party

The processing of personal data is based on Article 6 I lit. f GDPR, our legitimate interest is to carry out our business activities for the benefit of the well-being of all our employees and our shareholders.

52. Length of time, for which the personal data is stored

The criterion for the duration of storage of personal data is the respective statutory retention period. After the deadline has expired, the relevant data will be routinely deleted, provided they are no longer required to fulfill the contract or initiate a contract.

53. Legal or contractual regulations regarding the provision of personal data; Necessity for the conclusion of the contract; Obligation of the person concerned, to provide the personal data; possible consequences of non-provision

We will explain this to you, that the provision of personal data is partly required by law (z.B. Tax regulations) or from contractual regulations (z.B. Information about the contractual partner) can result. Sometimes it may be necessary to conclude a contract, that a data subject provides us with personal data, which must subsequently be processed by us. For example, the data subject is obliged to provide us with personal data, when our company enters into a contract with you. Failure to provide personal data would result in this, that the contract could not be concluded with the person concerned. Before the data subject provides personal data, the data subject must contact one of our employees. Our employee will explain this to those affected on a case-by-case basis, whether the provision of personal data is required by law or contract or is necessary for the conclusion of the contract, whether there is an obligation, to provide the personal data, and what consequences the non-provision of personal data would have.

54. Existence of automated decision making

As a responsible company, we do not use automatic decision-making or profiling.

This data protection declaration was created by the data protection declaration generator of DGD Deutsche Gesellschaft für Datenschutz GmbH, as External data protection officer Berlin is working, in cooperation with the data protection (GDPR) Lawyers from the law firm WILDE BEUGER SOLMECKE | Lawyers created.

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